I raise my hand in guilt now, possessed that I am of the dreaded "Trinity Fatigue" fever. I’m still interested in the cause, of course, and I’m eager to read new information. But by and large, there’s no new information left to read or hear or see because the News has quit writing new information and seems content to continue dredging up the old stuff. Which in a roundabout way leads me to ask this question: Have you ever, in your time in Dallas, seen the Morning News write so many editorials about a single topic?

While reading Sunday’s latest scare-bomb about moving the tollroad from the riverbed to Industrial, it struck me that this is unprecedented in modern newspaper history. I don’t recall so many editorials about a single topic in any newspaper anywhere. Without doing an actual count (feel free to supply the number if you know how many Trinity editorials the News has published), I have to think that the relentless discussions of the 9/11 aftermath probably didn’t merit this much ink. So I have to wonder: How many times does the News need to tell us to "vote NO"; don’t they think we received that message when we read it the first time, and the second time and the 22nd time, and…

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