Most of us would agree there have been some real characters in politics. Well, now Half Price Books is introducing a whole different type of character into the political realm. This month the bookstore is hosting a mock presidential race with fictional characters on the ballot.
Would you like more support for NASA? Vote Mary Poppins. Want a greener America? Cast your ballot for The Grinch.
The mock election is an attempt to make more people aware of National Literacy Month. You can review political profiles online for all the candidates running: Atticus Finch, Jason Bourne, Carrie Bradshaw, The Grinch, Mary Poppins, and Harry Potter. These profiles tell you where these characters stand on issues like gun control, foreign policy, and education–and they list potential running mates, too. There are also mock interviews with each candidate, and you can even find some campaign gear. After you make your decision, just cast your ballot online. Last time I checked the polls, Harry Potter was leading the race—but it’s still too early to call because votes are being taken until Wednesday, Oct. 1.