It’s hot. Everyone is cranky. Which means there is only one solution: Break out the bubbly! In this case, a bottle of Cristalino’s rose (about $8, available at Whole Foods and World Market), of course.
First, it’s cheap, which always cheers me up. Second, it’s bubbles, which cheers me up even more. Third, it’s well-made, delicious, cheap bubbles, which cheers me up most of all. The rose is bone dry, refreshing and brisk, with low alcohol, a bit of strawberry and caramel, and lots of fizz. I’m not exaggerating: It’s amazing how much better this wine makes me feel.
And I’m not the only who feels that way. Cristalino sparklers have won just about every award possible from those of us who care about good cheap wine, from my $10 Hall of Fame to the New York Times to the Wine Magazines (as difficult as that is to believe). Drink this well-chilled, and serve it with everything from those Tuesday night leftovers to Indian or Thai (it’s more than fruity enough for the spice) to big salads.
More wine notes:
• Bottle Shock, the film about the landmark 1976 wine competition in which California wines earned their reputation by besting similar French wines, opens at the Angelika tonight. The film has had so-so reviews (the esteemed Paul Franson called it a "cartoonish sitcom"), but the wine business is hoping it will be the next Sideways.
• I don’t usually note wine sales, but Tom Thumb has Mark West pinot noir on sale this weekend for $8.99. This is a very good price on a decent wine.