For those worried that we have forgotten all about the taxpayer-owned downtown convention center hotel, worry not: Here’s a juicy little tidbit, courtesy of Sam Merten at the Dallas Observer, indicating the city has sued Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott trying to keep some of the information Merten requested secret. In February, Merten filed an open records request with the city for hotel information and communications between Mayor Tom Leppert and council members regarding Lynn Flint Shaw (recall that she was the former DART board chairman who was killed by her husband in a murder/suicide or suicide/suicide deal in March; she also had been known to brag about her business relationship with Leppert and had told people they needed to go through her little group to get to Leppert concerning minority contracting, etc., which would naturally be a big deal related to a $500 million city-built hotel project). Anyway, the attorney general ruled that the city had to release more documents to Merten than it did, but the city took issue with releasing some of the documents (Merten says he doesn’t know which ones) and sued the attorney general to keep those documents — whatever they may be — out of the public eye. I guess the cost of that lawsuit will just be built into the convention center hotel room rates?