Just based on some recent research for a story, I know we have several talented chefs living in the neighborhood. If you’re one of them, and if you take a special interest in the art of preparing a chicken drumstick for optimum eating enjoyment, this is for you:
Chefs will compete on Labor Day, Sept. 1, for $1000 in cash prizes. The winner will be he/she who delivers the best grilled-chicken drumstick and/or the best fried-chicken drumstick.
The Kick’n Chick’n Drumstick Cook-Off is a fundraiser for the Deaf Action Center’s Teen Leadership Summits for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Girls and Boys. The registration fee is $50 per team and you must register no later than August 20. Download registration form on their web site. Chefs set up at 9 a.m. and the judging begins at 1 p.m.
Oh! And here’s the best part for us non-professional wing lovers — the public is invited to sample the entries starting at 11 a.m. The tasting fee is a mere $5 donation. The contest will take place at Plano Legacy YMCA, 5101 Tennyson Pkwy, in Plano. Call the Deaf Action Center at (214) 521-0407 V/TTY for details on the event or email kicknchickn@deafactioncentertexas.org."