What special precautions do we take in the White Rock area against drunk driving on holidays such as the Fourth of July? What can we do to make our neighborhood safer?

The patrol officers are aware of the increased potential for drunk drivers, and we have traffic officers and extra DWI patrols out around the area. The “no refusal” program that we tested last Memorial Day will be in place this Fourth of July. In an effort to discourage and prosecute drunk drivers, Dallas judges will be standing by to issue on-the-spot warrants for blood tests on suspected DWIs who refuse to take a breathalyzer or give blood willingly. Here in our neighborhood, we can be responsible — if you’re having a party or barbeque, make sure your guests leave safely. Call a cab if they’ve been drinking. Make sure there is a designated driver in your group. Take care of each other and, as always, if you see something that needs to be reported, please call us.

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