IT PAYS TO READ THE BLOG – THESE TICKETS ARE GONE NOW AND ONLY LASTED 3 MINUTES AFTER THE POST WENT UP! BUT JUST SO YOU KNOW TO KEEP READING IN THE FUTURE … One of our sons has his own baseball team practice tonight, so as a thank-you to our blog readers, I’m offering up 2 front-row tickets and a reserved space parking pass (total value: $161) to tonight’s Texas Rangers-Oakland A’s baseball game (starts at 7:05 p.m.) to the first Back Talk reader to send an email to These seats are between the visitor’s dugout and the tarp, and if you happen to bring along a young child, you have an excellent chance of getting a free baseball: Oakland’s third-base coach makes a habit of coming over to the stands between innings and handing out MLB baseballs to kids. Remember – I only have 2 tickets, so whoever asks for them first receives them. And here’s a shameless plug: I have these seats for the entire season, but share them with a number of other neighborhood residents. We’re always looking for new recruits to our season-ticket group for next year, so if you’re interested in potentially buying 10 games from our pool next year, send me an email about that, too.