You’ve seen the bumper stickers that say "Keep Christ in Christmas." I have an idea for a new one. "Keep God in Baccalaureate."

For the first time, LHHS seniors will not attend Baccalaureate, but instead a "Senior Dedication" assembly. says baccalaureate is a "religious service held at an educational institution, usually on the Sunday before commencement day." In previous years, this was a day in which students received a (non-denominational) blessing to send them out into the world. I wish I could quote the eloquent speakers I have heard – they were inspirational and uplifting. The central theme was that God has great plans for you. He may have created the entire universe, but he also cares about you individually, and he wants to walk with you during your life. I can’t think of a better message for the seniors of 2008.

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