Last night at LH High School was the LHHS Highlandettes ‘Spring Revue’ – the last show for the 2008 Seniors. I was lucky to be in the audience because it was a really wonderful show. These girls have heart! And talent. They really are good and they are joyous. It’s quite evident they work hard.
Of course, the ‘Dettes continue on as evidenced by the nice number the rookies performed. Man they looked a lot younger then the ‘seasoned’ girls! The team did a bunch of cool numbers, from traditional high stepping to street hip hop to hoe down. The pacing was nice, not once were my two 4th grade charges bored. To the contrary, they started practicing for the team the moment we got home.
The support for these girls is terrific – moms, dads (most with flowers), sibs, neighbors, friends, elementary and junior highers, the Military Moms, the list goes on. No wonder – the ‘Dettes epitomize the spirit of Lake Highlands. They are real girls, gracious girls, hard working girls. And they dance dang fine. We had a blast! My 4th graders and I will return next year for sure.