In the April issue of Lake Highlands Advocate we printed a photo of the Switcheroonies from Moss Haven Elementary comprised of Sam Bell, Ryan Brockette, Catherine Bryant, Amelia Goss, Erin Kaufmann, Evan Stewart and Stephanie Stolte, with Team Advisors Graham and Ellen Bryant. Upon publication of that issue, the little dream team had placed first in the regional Destination ImagiNation Switch Challenge. We just learned that the team took 6th place in the state competition. This is a pretty impressive accomplishment all things considered — they were the only third grade team competing against 4th and 5th graders, and it was their first year in the Destination ImagiNation program.
What is Destination ImagiNation, you ask?
Destination ImagiNation (DI) is a creativity and problem solving program for children from elementary age to college age. Teams of up to seven members compete in various challenges that require complex thinking, problem solving, teamwork and creativity. The goal of the program is to teach creative and critical thinking, presentation skills, problem solving, and teamwork skills. (Courtesy Wikipedia)
Read on for cute team photos …