Lots has been written during the past year or two about the city’s decision to generate revenue by allowing a marketing company to build kiosks seemingly everywhere in the city. Winston Evans has an interesting letter on the topic published in the DMN Friday; Winston takes the city to task and even provided a photo to the DMN of one of the offending kiosks at Audelia Road and Walnut Hill. He’s right: They’re definitely ugly, and they’re almost always right in the middle of city sidewalks. And personally, as I’m driving by I can never read what is being advertised on them anyway, making me wonder who’s booking these spaces and if they’re getting anything in return for their marketing dollars. In informal discussions with neighbors, I’ve yet to run across anyone who thinks the kiosks are either a good deal for the city or add any value to the city’s landscape. Mayor Leppert was quick to revisit the city’s prior approval of the verified alarm program; maybe it’s time he jumped on his white horse and swept away the kiosk program, too.