I received an atypical sort of invite via e-mail this week from my neighborhood association. Seems we will be celebrating during the demolition of the Northwest Terrace apartment’s corpse on Northwest Highway near Plano that has been a neighborhood eyesore for some time now. In its place, Churchill Residential will build a retirement community that you can read all about in the April issue of the Lake Highlands Advocate.
And it’s not all about destruction — the Elks Club and its event organizers say they’ll be serving up free food, drinks and other giveaways to celebrate the new life that the development will breathe into the area. Unlike some of the other projects happening around LH, most neighbors have seemingly supported this all along. I’m sure if anyone disagrees they will let us know.
If you want in on the fun, it’s happening at noon, April 12 at the Elks Lodge (next door to the property of honor), 8550 Lullwater.