We featured the Mexican and Peruvian restaurant‘s tapas in our April edition, but didn’t have space to mention another menu item we really loved: the coffee. Our art director declared it was the best cup she has ever had.
It was nothing more fancy than Aló’s drip coffee, a "European blend of Latin coffee beans", according to the menu. But presentation is important, and the sugar globe that you can see in the photo made sweetening our coffee more fun. I also wondered whether the weather made a difference — it was a cold and rainy day when we visited the restaurant.
This day isn’t as cold or rainy, but it’s good coffee-drinking weather. Aló’s merienda hour (coffee and dessert) is 3-5 p.m. If you want to get fancier, you can always drink espresso with whipped cream or hot milk blended with melted chocolate ganache, but the regular drip coffee pairs just as well with their desserts — I’m especially tempted by the four berry tres leches.