On Tuesday March 25th, White Rock Coffee proudly hosted the Lake Highlands Elementary Kinder kids who showed off their masterpieces to their parents in the current Student Art installation ‘Mondrian In March’. And the combination of acrylic paint and black electrical tape indeed created works that Mondrian himself would think are originals. Principal Kim Sullivan and lots of teachers and parents were on hand to visit and admire the colorful works.
‘Mondrian In March’ will be on display at the coffee shop until April 22nd. The final installation of the school year will be ‘Van Gogh’ and will feature both the LHE 1st and 6th graders in another partner show. White Rock Coffee is located at 10105 E. NW Hwy. For additional information, contact WRC at 214 341-4774 or LHE at 469 593-2100, or email pr4lhe@yahoo.com.
Emily Churchill, Ryan Compton, Teacher Denise Baker, Santiago Villegas and Grace Stem