I have been wondering why, for the longest time, that the newly poured slab at the corner of White Rock Trail and Deer Trail had sat there, empty, for weeks and weeks. Well, it turns out there was a dispute between the builder, Elizabeth Newman Custom Homes, and the authorities in charge of the power lines which run down that side of White Rock Trail on poles. The two story home would have been way to close to the lines at the second level, and rights-of-way and encroachment to the property line were the issues. I’m not sure if said authorites are the City, Oncor, or a combination of them and cable and telephone. Whatever…
Now I’m hearing that the dispute has been resolved and the lines are going to be buried in the ditch along that stretch. Since the ditch is also the main rainwater floodway for all the water that courses through here when it pours rain, it will be interesting to see how deep they have to bury the lines for power, cable, etc. It will also be interesting to see how they accomodate traffic while they do it. And finally, I wonder what it will be like having the back end of your new home so very close (~2-3 feet) to a drainage ditch that becomes a mini-river every time it rains hard around here?