Since it’s just too cold to trek on out to Wild About Harry’s for a frozen custard, why not head on over to Lake Highlands Elementary and get Wild About Math, Thursday January 24th from 6 to 8pm? The school is hosting its annual Math Night and along with a lot of big numbers, you can get a Taco Dinner for a little number …$5 pp with a $20 family maximum. Not a bad deal.
While you’re munching your crunchy taco, try your hand at some mathematically themed games like ‘Jeopardy’, ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’ and ‘Wildcat Squares’. Need to hone your problem solving strategies a bit more? Check out Living Graphs, Estimation Centers and some cool math computer games.
And on a flyer that was sent home with the students, it was hinted that Principal Kim Sullivan and Vice Principal Suzanne Fields may be wearing their PJ’s. Seeing that would be worth solving a whole page of long division!
Lake Highlands Elementary is located at 9501 Ferndale. For more info about Math Night, call the office, 469 593-2100.
LHE Principal Kim Sullivan is Wild About Math