Even thought the fate of the Trinity tollroad has been decided, that isn’t keeping plenty of people — including Bruce Tomaso of the Morning News with an interesting story Sunday — from discussing the implications of last week’s vote. There seem to be two schools of thought:
1) The issue was a classic case of business interests vs. the people, and the people were crushed this time.
2) The issue was a classic case of a few whiners standing in the way of real progress for everyone, and the whiners were crushed this time.
As you can see, the result was the same, but the framing of the perspective makes quite a bit of difference in determining what the result really means.
Perhaps former mayoral candidate Sam Coats said it best in the DMN story: "Democracy works best when you have strong interests pitted against each other. That is when the issues get debated the most energetically."
As I said many months ago, I just don’t see why some people consider an energetic discussion of the issues so much of an intrusion in the city’s political process.