For all of you in east Dallas looking for a convenient way to get the freshest, most outstanding and unique produce I have ever seen, get yourselves to an unmarked location, 2 doors from Jimmy’s Food Market, on Fitzhugh.

There you will find Tom Spicer’s F.M. 1410, Another Farm to Market Concept. 1410 is the suite number. Tom supplies the top-end restaurants in town and also sells to the public from this non-descript, little market hole-in-the-wall.  My wife and I have never tasted heirloom tomatoes so good, or baby arugula so bursting with flavor, or fesh fingerling white potatoes that were just picked the day before at a local farm.  And local is what is all about, save for some exotics from the rest of the country.

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It’s not cheap like Albertson’s, but it doesn’t taste like cardboard, either.  For that special occasion, give Tom your money, not Central Market. He’s there from about 10am daily, and 11am on Sundays. And shhhhhhhhhhh… he’s the only guy there so don’t all go at once!