It’s that time of year again folks. Our community of schools are kicking off their Fall Fundraisers. Yep, the dreaded wrap sales. We’re all going to be innundated with requests from our kids to buy stuff that we don’t necessarily need. But I’m going to put a positive spin on this painful annual tradition.
While we pay lots and lots of taxes, they just don’t seem to cover all the stuff our schools need, and the extra funds have to come from somewhere. So why not get your grandma a really nice candle for Christmas knowing that you’re contributing toward sending a kid on a Field Trip and continuing campus improvements? Hey, if the candle smells like a chocolate chip cookie, grandma will love it.
Over at Lake Highlands Elementary, two busy moms are heading up this year’s festivities. On Monday they kicked off the schools’ two week Fund Raiser with a couple of assemblies to get the kids motivated and the schools’ cafeteria was rocking and rolling.
So when that student asks you to look at a catalog, take a moment and get your checkbook. It’s a win-win situation. We contribute to our schools and get some nice teacher gifts to boot.
If you’re interested in LHE’s Fall Fundraiser going on 9/17 through 10/1, contact volunteer extraordinaires Bernadette Anderson and Cathy Novit.