The Star-Telegram, which has been covering its own Trinity River controversy, sent a reporter east on I-30 to weigh in on what’s going on here. Pretty good piece, if I may say so. A telling statistic: In the original 1998 bond election, 10 propositions on the ballot passed with 72 percent or more. The Trinity project passed with 52 percent. (Full disclosure: I free-lance that paper’s wine column, but don’t have anything to do with anything else over there.)
There is also, believe it or not, a mostly fair piece in Dallas’ Only Daily Newspaper this morning. The good stuff — that much of the park could be built without the toll road — was buried in the middle of the story, but at least it was in there. That’s more than The News usually gives us.
The map, by the way, comes from the North Texas Tollway Authority site, which offers a detailed description of the road. Not much about a park, though.
And, anyone who had 21 days in the over-under — how long I could hold out from writing about this — is the winner.