I realize that my credentials as a shopper are very weak, but I can’t be the only one who was surprised by how few people apparently took advantage of the opportunity to buy clothing- and school-related items minus the sales tax over the weekend.
I had to get a couple of things for a trip later this week, and braved the Target on Northwest Highway on Sunday, forgetting that it was the tax-free weekend (easy to do, since I don’t have any kids). I ended up not braving much of anything. The back parking lot was mostly empty, the store wasn’t especially busy, and I didn’t have to wait to check out. Dallas’ Only Daily Newspaper reported on Friday that the weekend was off to a slow start (I tried to link to this, but the story morphs into another, different piece about the weekend and credit card debt).
Was I the only one with this experience? Is tax-free weekend passe? Or is there something else going on?