Last weekend, a neighbor across the alley had a party so loud that my neighbors and I couldn’t sleep. I found out that two neighbors and I collectively called 911 five times between 10:30 p.m. and 3 a.m., when I was finally told that an officer had not been available to check it out. I understand that violent crime has to be a priority, but when such an obvious disturbance affects the neighborhood, including the elderly, sick, children and infants living here, how can we get better service?

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The Dallas Police Department is committed to taking every measure possible to ensure the safety of citizens. In order to provide better service, a priority system for calls has been established.


It starts with priority one calls where there is probable cause to believe someone is in immediate, life-threatening danger (shootings, robberies in progress, kidnapping in progress, etc.). Priority two calls include major disturbances, incidents where there is potential for injury, and property offenses, such as a burglary, that are “in progress.”


Priority three and four calls give information that an offense may have occurred, but the suspect is gone and no immediate danger exists. They also include minor disturbances, such as loud music, that do not place people or property in danger.


When you call for police service, your request is placed in a prioritized list, which doesn’t necessarily get dispatched in the order in which it was received. So if you call in a loud-music complaint, and there are higher priority calls holding, the higher priority calls will be dispatched first. If higher priority calls continue to come in before officers can be dispatched to your call, it will remain low on the list.


If you have a recurring problem regarding issues such as loud music, please contact your ICP officer at the Northeast Station at 214-670-4415.



With the holiday season upon us, stores will be on the lookout for shoplifters. What do residents need to be looking out for this time of year?



First, don’t be an easy target. Criminals look for the easiest opportunity to take something they want and get away quickly.


o       Lock your car, park in well-lit areas, and shop with others whenever possible.


o       Don’t park next to vans, trucks or cars with dark tinted windows.


o       Set your alarm or anti-theft device.


o       Carry your cell phone with you and have it accessible.


o       Don’t have too many things in your arms, and have your keys out and ready when returning to your car. Some stores provide escorts.


o       Look around your car as you walk up, and look inside your car before you get in. Lock your doors immediately after getting into the car. 



Another thing criminals look for are targets with a known reward.


o       Don’t leave your purse, laptop or packages in plain view inside the car. If possible, drop your packages at home if you are going to multiple locations.


o       Don’t display large amounts of cash when shopping. 


o       Don’t take all your credit cards with you when you shop; bring only what you need.


o       If possible, don’t carry a purse at all. If you do, carry it with the flap opening toward you, and carry it securely.


o       Don’t wear a lot of jewelry; wear comfortable clothes.


·        Be aware of what and who is around you. If it doesn’t look right, go somewhere else. Report suspicious activity.



By following these easy steps, you are less likely to be a target for criminals. I wish you all a very safe and happy holiday season.