As we approach the new
Many of you are aware that school finance is a hot topic. Districts with less than $305,000 of assessed property value per student are called property-poor, or Chapter 42 districts. Richardson ISD has $464,640 of assessed property value per enrolled student and is therefore a property-wealthy, or Chapter 41 district.
Through the current school finance plan, Chapter 41 districts send funds to
We support this concept. Just because a child lives in a property-poor community, his educational opportunity should not be penalized. This distribution system is working fairly well, although there are a few miscalculations that need to be fixed. The problem is not so much the way the pie is being cut. It is the size of the pie.
There are simply not enough dollars in the whole
State Sen. Florence Shapiro is proposing the appointment of a bipartisan commission to determine the cost of an adequate education in
The national average cost for educating a student is $7,250 per year per student.
Since about 20 percent of school districts are currently at the tax cap of $1.50 per $100 of assessed value, the state of
Districts across the state are either cutting programs or increasing student/teacher ratios by putting more students in each classroom. That’s what spending only $4,575 per child means.
We hope you will talk or write to your legislators in support of more adequate funding for public education. If citizens like you do not demand change, legislators will not act. School finance is a knotty problem, but the over-arching issue is adequacy.