The Fellowship Bible Church at Meadow and Central Expressway produces an upbeat, values-oriented production every Sunday morning for elementary-aged children and their parents. Entering its second season, Kidstuf has been knocking the socks off the standing-room-only audience. In fact, a second show has been added on Saturday nights. 

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Kidstuf is a 45-minute production that uses humor, drama, music, video and audience participation to entertain and teach families. The production is shown in a $100,000 theater built specially for Kidstuf. The show encourages parents to spend quality time with their kids and to assume the role of spiritual leadership.


Rather than asking other churches what they were doing with children’s programming, KidStuf took its cue from organizations like Nickelodeon and Disney. Actors with stage names like Gordo, Mrs. Finkenhoeffer, Bart the Bard and Jamocha Ravioli are members of FBC Dallas. The colorful costuming is a site to behold and each character is a believable stereotype. Brad the comic book collector wears a blanket for a cape and Vinny from New York has a thick Brooklyn accent.


A creative team from the church, including lighting, video and audio technicians, meets weekly to rehearse the upcoming show. Shown in a state-of-the-art theatre, the stage resembles a kid’s tree house, complete with a large overhanging tree.


Kidstuf founder Reggie Joiner from North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga. , attributes the show’s success to its unconventional approach. “Church attendance is rarely a shared experience for the family. When children go to adult worship services with their parents, they can easily become programmed to switch off their minds a few minutes into the service.”


And kids can become