They’ll be performing popular songs you might remember from the 1970s, but as teenagers on the edge of the millennium they consider these tunes “oldies.”
A little depressing, isn’t it?
On the upside, they’re an elite group of talented young singers combining their zest for life and love of music to create one of the finest pop singing groups around.
CENTERSTAGE! is the Lake Highlands Freshman Center vocal performing group formed when the Freshman Center opened last fall. An offshoot of the regular choir group, CENTERSTAGE! is comprised of 15 students – the best of the best.
“The auditions were open to anyone,” says group member Emily Freshwater. “We had to perform one song in front of a panel of judges. A lot of people in choir auditioned, but only a few were chosen.”
The group is led by their new choir director Lisa Cunningham, who comes to the Freshman Center with years of prior experience as a school and church choir director. She’s particularly impressed with this group’s dedication and hard work.
“We had the Friday before and Monday after Easter off as a school holiday,” Cunningham says, “but they were up here practicing both days.”
The admiration is clearly mutual.
“We absolutely love Lisa,” Freshwater says. “She is a lot of fun!”
The group regularly performs in our neighborhood, and spends hours of extracurricular time rehearsing for the shows, which include group singing, duets, solos, and even dancing. The group’s recent May performance included such classic tunes as “Free Ride,” “We’ve Only Just Begun,” and “The Locomotion.”
Audience members could simply close their eyes, tap their feet, and let their minds wander back to the days of disco balls and Jordache jeans.