To the Editor:

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I finally got around to reading the August issue of the Advocate and was pleased to see home schooling put in a favorable light. Obviously a controversial subject, and since it is unknown to those who don’t know any families who chose to teach at home I am not surprised to hear the same old objections of socialization and "sheltering.Ó


 As far as academics: I am sure some home school families are much more productive than others, but as long as there is a strong commitment there to educate


the child I believe in my heart that is sufficient as long as the home is filled with love and the desire and means to learn.


To comment on the Opening Remarks by publisher Rick Wamre; I firmly believe that home schooling isn’t for everyone and we all have seasons in our lives where opportunities either are or are not available to us.


The last two years I have taught my son at home for grades 2 and 3, however, he is enrolled at a local private school for grade 4 coming up and has been tested to well ahead in reading and math, and being average in all other subject areas. How can I predict whether he will remain outside the home or once again resume home school?  I cannot, although I can and will make the decisions year by year, in the best interests of my family.


There are plenty of good role models in my family and our church that I think meet the standard of "heroes" for my children.



Rhonda Kline