According to recent news reports, voters are tired of voting. I sincerely hope these reports are wrong, because we have a very important election May 2. More than $543 million in City projects are at stake, so please vote.
The first 10 propositions encompass a four-year “nuts and bolts” program that totals $297.5 million. Improvements in our Audelia branch library, a new fire station in the Shiloh Road-Ferguson Road area and almost all of the Class E streets being resurfaced are projects in our district that are part of this portion of the bond proposal. Citywide, a new police headquarters, new animal shelter and more than $125 million in street projects are a few of the badly needed improvements addressed.
The last proposition on the ballot is $246 million for the Trinity River Corridor. More than $1 billion will be leveraged with our money for other improvements both in the Trinity Corridor and transportation improvements in the Downtown canyon (I-35, I-20, I-30 interchange). These other funds will come from state and federal sources, and we are talking real dollars, not projections.
The Trinity proposal is a 10-year program and also includes flood protection and development of the Great Trinity Forest. Please vote!
I cannot believe we are at the end of another school year. Congratulations to you graduating seniors. I know the month of May will be hard for you to endure, but even harder for some of your teachers and parents. Keep up the good work for just a little longer.
Remember that there is a new underage drinking law this year, and the police have targeted this time of year for some concentrated enforcement. I worry about your safety, and I don’t want you to lose your driver’s license, either. Be careful!
Lastly there will be another Buckner-Audelia-Northwest Highway intersection improvement meeting this summer. I will make sure notices are sent out to my mailing list before the meeting, so if you currently do not receive the yellow town hall cards from my office, please call my assistant, Patricia Anderson, at 214-670-4068, and ask her to add your name to our list.
There have been revisions made to the plan that I feel respond to many of the concerns expressed at the last meetings.
Please call my office any time you have questions. If I am not in, just let Patricia know that you want me to call you back, and I will. My phone number at my “real” job is 972-783-7376. If you have questions or problems, don’t hesitate to let me know about them.