The Merriman Park Elementary Pops Band is a musical group made up of – quite literally – “pops.”

The band formed last year when a few musically talented Merriman Park fathers got together to play at the school’s Multicultural Night open house. They were such a hit that they have stayed together for additional performances, including a recent school fund-raiser party and auction where they not only provided entertainment but were “auctioned off” to the highest bidder for a private performance.

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Although the band now includes two moms as vocalists, the instrumentalists are all dads. Band member David Brooks, an attorney, says the group plays mostly rock ‘n roll from the ’50s through the ’70s, “with a little ’80s, blues and country thrown in for variety.” According to Brooks, the band has a repetoire of about 40 songs.

In addition to their musical versatility, the Pops Band also boasts several “looks” that they vary according to the venue, from tuxes with tennis shoes (the formal look) to Western wear.

The Pops Band currently consists of two vocalists and seven instrumentalists playing drums, keyboard, guitar, saxophone, clari