As we approach spring, we have something besides May flowers to be concerned about. On May 2, we will go to the polls to decide on a bond proposal for the City that includes a group of “nuts and bolts” items adding up to $223 million.

A second proposal addresses $246 million in Trinity River improvements. This is a grand total of $469 million in projects, and this is before the Council looks to see if any “can’t do without” projects got left off.

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By the time this issue of the Advocate is printed, those extras will have been decided, and I feel certain that the “nuts and bolts” proposal will increase. It doesn’t seem possible with this size bond proposal that anything could be left out, but the list comes from a need inventory of more than $3.2 billion worth of items that City staff have identified.

In general, the $223 million breaks down in five broad categories: street improvement program, $140 million; park and recreation, $45.5 million; public service facilities, $15.8 million; flood protection and storm drainage, $12.5 million; and cultural facilities, $9.5 million. This portion of the program would be funded over a 3-year period.

Distict 10 has $10.6 million in proposed projects, almost all of which I heard a great deal of support for at our town hall meeting for input regarding the bond proposal. Some of our local projects include $700,000 for Audelia branch library improvements, $3.25 million for a replacement of fire station No. 39 on Shiloh Road, $1.38 million for park improvements at Flag Pole Hill, Audelia Park and numerous playground replacements.