As we approach spring, we have something besides May flowers to be concerned about. On May 2, we will go to the polls to decide on a bond proposal for the City that includes a group of “nuts and bolts” items adding up to $223 million.
A second proposal addresses $246 million in Trinity River improvements. This is a grand total of $469 million in projects, and this is before the Council looks to see if any “can’t do without” projects got left off.
By the time this issue of the Advocate is printed, those extras will have been decided, and I feel certain that the “nuts and bolts” proposal will increase. It doesn’t seem possible with this size bond proposal that anything could be left out, but the list comes from a need inventory of more than $3.2 billion worth of items that City staff have identified.
In general, the $223 million breaks down in five broad categories: street improvement program, $140 million; park and recreation, $45.5 million; public service facilities, $15.8 million; flood protection and storm drainage, $12.5 million; and cultural facilities, $9.5 million. This portion of the program would be funded over a 3-year period.
Distict 10 has $10.6 million in proposed projects, almost all of which I heard a great deal of support for at our town hall meeting for input regarding the bond proposal. Some of our local projects include $700,000 for Audelia branch library improvements, $3.25 million for a replacement of fire station No. 39 on Shiloh Road, $1.38 million for park improvements at Flag Pole Hill, Audelia Park and numerous playground replacements.