
Just in case, there are some moves you should know. This probably isn’t one of them.

When police arrested the suspected Lake Highlands rapist, many of the folks quoted on the nightly news and such commented how relieved they were that our Lake Highlands neighborhood is safe again.

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But those soundbites were likely just quick reactions, wishful blurt-ations amid the excitement of possibly putting one bad dude behind bars, but once we all stop to think about the truth, we know that safety is never a guarantee. It often depends on preparedness for the unsafe.

With this in mind, a neighborhood martial arts studio is offering free self defense classes for men, women and children.

Dallas Academy of Martial Arts, located on Plano near Walnut Hill, has already quietly taken classes to teachers at the nearby elementary schools, owner Bobby Autry said during an interview last week (I am working on a story for an upcoming issue for which I interviewed Autry).

Now the school has two classes scheduled for the public:

Saturday, April 13 at noon and Friday, April 19 at 6:30 p.m.

Space is limited to 20 participants, so call 214.343.3000 or email bobby@dallasama.com to reserve a spot.
