To my horror the other morning, I noticed the Boston Market on Garland Road near Buckner had closed. (This was a dinner-on-the-go staple for my family). Chances are, according to Debbie at the Boston Market corporate office, that it will become a McDonalds. (Looks like my family’s about to get fatter). Hello sausages, eggs and cheese sandwiched inside two syrup-soaked pancakes for breakfast! See, for a long time Boston Market was owned by McDonald’s. When the companies separated a couple years ago, Boston Market agreed to turn several of the stores back over to McDs. In addition to the Garland Road location, the store at 8670 Skillman in Lake Highlands has closed. The Skillman location wouldn’t become a McDonalds, though, right? Because there is already a McDonalds in the center. Unless they decide to build a super-sized double McDonalds. I’ll put a couple calls in and let you know what we find out.