Lake Highlands Trail (Photo by Danny Fulgencio)

Lake Highlands Trail (Photo by Danny Fulgencio)

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Phase one of the Lake Highlands Trail, 2 miles of paved path that runs behind Lake Highlands High School,  was in the works for 11 years before it opened in 2014. It takes a long time to plan, fund and implement a project, Michael Hellman said at the ribbon cutting ceremony. “The power line corridor adds an extra element that makes it complicated.” Phase two of Lake Highlands Trail, which will link it to the pivotal White Rock Creek Trail, is proving to be even more complicated, though it is funded. Planners have to figure out how to construct the trail through a residential neighborhood (Moss Meadows), and that can be “trickier,” the Park department’s Peter Bratt says. There will be neighborhood input meetings this fall; dates will be posted on, and city and park officials and neighbors will sort out logistics. District 10 Councilman Adam McGough says three routes are under consideration. He supports one that will not impact the blackland prairie at Harry S. Moss Park, he says, and that incorporating the trail at the Lake Highlands DART station/Town Center will be important.