Imagine you drop your clothes off at your usual dry cleaner — suits, shirts or maybe that favorite jacket. Upon return to pick them up, you are met with a sign indicating that the business is closed.

Photo provided by Tyler Jones via

Photo provided by Tyler Jones via

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You can see the clothing inside, but short of a break-in, which even that hypothetical jacket isn’t worth, you are helpless.

That’s what happened to Lake Highlands resident Tyler Jones and several other Greenville-Forest location Custom Cleaners customers.

Jones says that up until this incident, he never had any problems with Custom Cleaners, which has been operating in the neighborhood for decades.

“I’ve actually only had good experiences with them in terms of customer service and quality of work. This has been my only bad experience. I just want to try and get my clothes back.”

He says he has a friend who lives in the Dixon-Branch area who is experiencing the same thing at the Mockingbird-Abrams location, which also has shuttered. She feels the same, he says. Just wants her clothing back.

The Central Appraisal District lists Sangtae Chang as president of Custom Cleaners, but Jones (and I too) attempted to call a phone number he and his friend tracked down, which was answered by recorded voicemail. There was no immediate response to a message.

Jones says he has yet to take anymore drastic measures, such as calling the police. “We’ll probably keep trying the phone number my friend found and do a bit more research on our options with the police —  see if we can figure it out.”