So glad that someone brought poo up (Hey, I’m just using Mike Rowe’s ‘Dirty Jobs’ term. It works for both big and little kids). Pigeon droppings are a big problem. I’ll elaborate (whether you want me to or not).

When we LHEer’s were deciding where to put the Wildcat Walkway a.k.a. the new Commemorative Brick Patio, our first thought was right up by the front door under the big tree. Thanks to the watchful eye of the LHE Admin office, we wisely rethought that location. The birds (not entirely pigeons, to be fair) were quite prominent in that tree. Thanks to Claudia, Angel, Janie, Cheryl and Nurse, the lovely patio sits under a shade tree that doesn’t beckon our feathered friends and that’s a good thing. I’d hate to have to scrape icky stuff off my daughter’s name.

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However (there’s ALWAYS a however), my understanding is that White Rock Lake is one of the top 20 bird sanctuaries in the country and Lake Highlands (sort of) abuts White Rock Lake.

Here’s my experience: Over the years I’ve witnessed birds of prey — yeh, eagles, hawks, owls — flying over my Lake Highlands house. Unbelievably cool…wait…UNBELIEVABLY COOL – ’cause they come into your peripheral and then – BAM – THAT FAST – they’re there, in your tree – often with some small critter in their talons. They’re big! They’re regal! They’re gorgeous and oh so arrogant! It’s an amazing thing to see, it’s oh so much better then T.V.

Add to that, for 15 years I’ve fed and housed cardinals, sparrows, jays, all sorts of other birds that I can’t identify, watched the babies grow and saved a few.

That all being said…the pigeon poo is bad. In my time doing one to five in the inner city of St. Louis in a big ol’ three story beast with a flat tar roof…oh Lordy, the pigeon poo was bad. What to do? They are, after all, flying rats.

I don’t like pigeons and I don’t like their poo. (I do have a really fun Medieval cookbook with several pigeon recipes that I haven’t put to the test — probably ain’t gonna happen).

Back to that Bird Sanctuary thing. Last time I checked the space still belongs to the pigeons, kinda like the coyotes. So I ask again…hmm…what to do? Any suggestions to make all creatures, winged or otherwise, happy?